The team behind Birding Southwest specialise in shorebird and seabird survey and monitoring.
Read about Malu Fauna’s bird survey and monitoring services here.
The coast and wetlands of Western Australia provide critical non-breeding habitat for migratory shorebirds with the coast in the North of WA considered the most important non-breeding site on the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. Correspondingly, these wetlands and coastal environments are of high value when considering any potential disturbance and regularly are in need of impact assessment in the form of shorebird and seabird survey and monitoring.
Western Australia’s coastal and pelagic waters are of high value to a large number of seabirds, utilising our productive shelf waters to feed and islands to breed and roost. With an increase in the potential use of these areas for renewable energy sources such as windfarms, this group is likely to become an increasing focus in impact assessments.
As with shorebirds, seabirds are another group of birds that require an in-depth knowledge, specialised skillset and extensive experience to work with and this is exactly where the expertise at Malu Fauna shines.
Reach out if you would like to talk through survey or monitoring opportunities.